Starting Anew

This entry has a rather simple purpose – to commemorate January 6, 2011 as my first official day with Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels. Just in case I spend the rest of my life working for the same company, it would be nice to go back in time and remember this day some 30 odd years later.

I don’t remember being this excited about starting a new job in a long time, if ever. Everything seems right, if not perfect. Great company, outstanding team, down to earth coworkers, fascinating job, fantastic office – I love it! RAH!

I have spent less than 12 hours with the firm, but I somehow know it’s going to be one crazy wild adventure, full of new knowledge, new experiences and new adventures along the way. I very much look forward to making a big difference to my company, to my team, to myself and to those around me. Let the good times roll. 🙂

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